#: locale=en ## Tour ### Description tour.description = Discover the Stevenage Even Better Regeneration Project from anywere in this virtual visitor centre. ### Title tour.name = Stevenage VR Visitor Centre ## Skin ### Button Button_B90E1E9D_ABD8_7DE8_41D4_E3DDCAF3428A.label = BOOK NOW Button_B90E1E9D_ABD8_7DE8_41D4_E3DDCAF3428A_mobile.label = BOOK NOW ### Multiline Text HTMLText_2AF23422_083C_5F79_4184_6CD3ADB0223A.html =
Town Squares / Matching Pairs
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Town Squares / Matching Pairs
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The 3D Flythrough has been produced by leading architects, BDP and outlines some of our key regeneration schemes planned for the next 20 years as part of the £1bn regeneration programme.

The Flythrough gives an idea of the scale of the developments as well as the transformational change that will take place in the town centre in the coming years. The Flythrough will be updated with further schemes when they are announced as the regeneration programme matures.
HTMLText_B90E0E9D_ABD8_7DE8_41DC_9371D9F6B5B5_mobile.html =

The 3D Flythrough has been produced by leading architects, BDP and outlines some of our key regeneration schemes planned for the next 20 years as part of the £1bn regeneration programme.

The Flythrough gives an idea of the scale of the developments as well as the transformational change that will take place in the town centre in the coming years. The Flythrough will be updated with further schemes when they are announced as the regeneration programme matures.
HTMLText_B90E5E9D_ABD8_7DE8_41E3_F00F17AE43E3.html =
3D Flythrough
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3D Flythrough
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### Tooltip IconButton_B994BBB1_ABE8_3B38_41E0_60A0D623CC3E.toolTip = Fullscreen IconButton_B994BBB1_ABE8_3B38_41E0_60A0D623CC3E_mobile.toolTip = Fullscreen IconButton_B9A18B5B_ABE8_3B68_41CB_3C948F9CE7EB.toolTip = Enable Virtual Reality mode IconButton_B9A18B5B_ABE8_3B68_41CB_3C948F9CE7EB_mobile.toolTip = Enable Virtual Reality mode Image_B994ABB1_ABE8_3B38_41E5_12D57A333E05.toolTip = Share Image_B994ABB1_ABE8_3B38_41E5_12D57A333E05_mobile.toolTip = Share ## Media ### Title album_2BFAB58C_084C_B949_41A1_5A9FCF65CA88.label = Photo Album Bus Interchange aerial panorama_855DCBF8_8A4D_EDB8_41B8_F2E418BF5A6A.label = SimLab_Camera-6 panorama_855FD538_8A4D_BAB9_41AC_650931C2318B.label = SimLab_Camera-2 video_13D6494A_07D7_A9C9_418F_8E7135ED5871.label = Phasing for TV in VC 3 video_1753264F_07CC_5BC7_419E_14EA992BB91E.label = Elevator Pitch_v1_4 video_A5980EF5_8A8D_B7F2_41DC_4B64CE233C9A.label = Location & Transport - Real Voices of Stevenage video_A6F925C5_8A8C_4A12_41CC_B25D583FBB6D.label = A New & Different Shopping Experience - Real Voices of Stevenage video_A7C8F40B_8A8C_CA16_41CE_C97CFBC147D1.label = Stevenage business regeneration edit_ONLINE video_B85E6BCB_8AFC_5E16_41D7_ADB7C7440777.label = the_massing_animation_stevenage-v003 Latest video_FC950A84_EE73_5903_41A8_D530DC1A02F2.label = Capture 84 ## Action ### URL LinkBehaviour_B8325CF9_AC28_7D28_41B8_DA1B5D65AAB2.source = http://www.loremipsum.com LinkBehaviour_CCB73ABB_8A93_BE77_41D4_443A0F6CF7D4.source = http://www.loremipsum.com LinkBehaviour_CCBEDAB0_8A93_BE71_41DB_4655922A6976.source = https://virtronix.co.uk LinkBehaviour_F3B7E4BB_E829_D8A4_41D5_ACFF5B7657CD.source = https://virtronix.co.uk